'Saturday Night Fever'

Remember Lindsborg, KS? Some of the things they do makes us wonder why we're not all moving there... 

  • Photo from the 2010 street dance in Lindsborg, Kansas by Jim Richardson / National Geographic Photographer and local resident.
  • “The Swedish immigrants who settled Smoky valley had a profound love of music but, did not allow dancing. It is suspected that the tapping of toes took place without any visual foot movement,” says Carla Wilson Lindsborg’s Visitors Bureau director. Be that as it may, their descendants still have that profound love of music and not only dance but dance on Main Street and invite all their friends to a street dance on August 27.

  • Kansas Rock and Roll Hall of Famers King Midas & the Muflers have played every time at the annual Street Dance, which is now in its fifth year (yes, Muflers is spelled correct) Get a sample of their music here: http://www.kingmidasband.com/video.html For more Lindsborg activities, see Lindsborg, KS VIsitors Bureau

  • And, if you won’t make it for the street dance, remember the ‘Svensk Hyllningsfest’ in October – a different kind of dancing, music, celebrating where the whole town again participates in parades, performances and fun.