Swedish super berries

Readily available everywhere in Sweden.  

  • While many health enthusiasts tout the powers of popular berries like the trendy goji, Swedes looking for a health boost need go no further than the great Swedish outdoors.

  • Nine “super berries” grow in the Swedish countryside where everyone has the right to pick as many as they’d like, thanks to the “Allemansrätten,” or the “right to roam.”

  • Livsmedelsverket (The Food Administration) has analyzed and measured the levels of vitamin C, folate, vitamin K and carotenoids, determining these popular Swedish berries are indeed super: hawthorn berries; chokeberries; blueberries; strawberries; red and black currants; raspberries; lingonberries and gooseberries.

  • A new book from one of our readers covers uncommon, "antique" fruits - most of them not so uncommon in Sweden: Pomona's Lost Children