2014 Walpurgis in the Northwest


  • Ross Fogelquist, Carol Tripp and Dave Carter
  • 2014 Walpurgis, in the northwest
    The Swedish and Finnish communities came together again to jointly celebrate Valborgsmässoafton and Finnish Vappu on April 30, hosted by Dave and Melinda Carter at their farm in West Linn, Oregon.
    When the sun was setting in the west, after a wonderful day with a lot sun and warm weather, we lit the bonfire and dreamed of many more sunny days in May.
    Members of the Scandinavian choruses, led by Vance Sele with Ross Fogelquist, Carol Tripp and Dave Carter, were entertaining with much singing of traditional Swedish and Finnish songs. Some verses from “Vårvisa” by Olav Gertel, represents the warm feelings felt by all.

    In Swedish:
    När solen skiner en försommar dag,
    då känner man sig så förunderligt glad.
    Ty sorgen har flytt, allt strålar i sol.
    Man glömmer bekymren och snön från i fjol.
    Och man tar sig en tur uti våsolens sken.
    Ser blommor på marken och fåglar på gren.....

  • Members of Scandinavian chouruses under the lead of director Vance Sele
  • In English:
    When the sun is shining an early summer day,
    then you feel so wondrously happy.
    The sadness has fled, and everything is beaming in sunshine.
    All worries are gone and so is the snow from last year.
    We see flowers on the ground and a birds on branches….

  • As the Walpurgis tradition calls for, many hot dogs, soft drinks and a variety of cookies were served, in celebration of a wonderful spring evening.
    Many thanks to the organizations putting on this event in the Scandinavian community.

  • As the Walpurgis tradition calls for, hot dogs, soft drinks and a variety of cookies were served
  • Listen to the melody on youtube, Olav Gerthel – Vårvisa