Schools below OECD average...

Swedish schools are losing ground in knowledge and other factors associated with student performance. 

  • The Swedish school—considered below average in the latest OECD study. Meanwhile, our neighbors the Finns have one of the best schools in the world.
  • The Finnish and Korean schools are the best. But whatever happened to the Swedish school? Internationally it is considered bad when it comes to supporting students from socially weaker homes. The Swedish schools are below average in the latest OECD study, where students from low-skilled or poor homes in different countries are compared. The study also shows a trend in diminishing reading, math and science skills among Swedish students over the last decade.

  • The study is the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in which 65 countries are evaluated. 4,567 students from 189 schools participated in Sweden.

  • Östra Real school in Stockholm, designed by architcect Ragnar Östberg, who also created Stockholm City Hall.
  • More information on the original report from Swedish Skolverket: Rustad för framtiden or Vad är PISA? (in Swedish only)