A digital concierge

Everything today is about convenience and accessibility, for and of people and places. A Swedish startup offers you a way to open up your door without being physically present. 

  • With a a smart lock on your door, you won't have to be present to receive deliveries or open up for guests ...
  • A new service in Sweden allows you to open your doors through an app on your smart phone. It's the rise of online shopping and automated home deliveries that has created an opportunity to make life easier for busy urban people.

  • Glue, a startup that promotes itself as a digital concierge, is an app that gives 24/7 encrypted security to people so they don’t have to worry about losing their keys, being home to receive deliveries or granting access to guests.

  • With the simple installation of a smart lock on your door, you can open it to the people you’ve granted access to within minutes, giving you peace of mind. For more info, see www.gluehome.com