Are those born in the 1940's all egoists?

..are people born in Sweden in the 1940s only interested in going to Thailand, playing golf and drinking? 

  • "People born in the 1940’s... ..they go to Thailand, they drink a lot and play golf," according to jourhavande medmänniskan Gunnar Lundström.
  • Born in Sweden in the 1940's - are they all egoists?
    Swedish people born in the 1940's are egoistic and interested only in going to Thailand, and in playing golf and drinking... Gunnar Lundström, a volunteer who has worked as a telephone counselor at Jourhavande Medmänniska, an emergency service, and spoken to almost 1000 troubled, lonely people on the phone, makes a crack at Swedes born in the 1940’s.
    “They go to Thailand, they drink a lot and play golf. That’s what they do,” he says. “I think it’s sad that they can’t discover how rewarding it can be to be a bit more giving.” Lundström says to Svenska Dagbladet that now that people of this generation retire, it’s time for them to give back to society, and he suggest they help answering the phones at Jourhavande Medmänniska where only 8% of the phone calls can be answered because they aren’t sufficiently staffed. “We’ve grown up always asking for material compensation, instead of caring. Here’s a chance to give attention to people who perhaps haven’t spoken to a single person all day. The need is enormous.”

  • Someone on Nordstjernan on Facebook felt that "[..who cares] at that age, they may do whatever they want."

  • For more info (in Swedish) on the "Caring human being on duty" När du behöver någon att prata med...