Nobel committee sued


  • Xu Rongxiang is suing the Karolinska Institute Nobel Committee for not giving him the Nobel Prize. A Nobel Prize, whether it seems just or not, can never be appealed.
  • Nobel committee sued
    The Karolinska Institute Nobel Committee has been sued for their justification of their award of the Nobel Prize in Medicine to John Gurdon (England) and Shinya Yamanaka (Japan). It is Xu Rongxiang, who describes himself as professor, MD, president of CBAIM, and inventor, who is behind the lawsuit. Rongxiang claims he made a key discovery credited to Gurdon and Yamanaka a decade before they did. Now he’s filed a lawsuit in California against the Nobel Committee at Karolinska Institutet. The committee has not yet been served but heard of the lawsuit via an American news station, so no comment thus far. This isn’t the first time someone feels overlooked by a Nobel committee: The American-Armenian inventor Raymond Damadian felt he ought to have received the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2003, and took out full-page ads in, among other papers, The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter, to a cost of over 1 million SEK ($149,788). Unfortunately his actions were in vain as a Nobel Prize cannot be appealed.