Are you a feminist?

The question was posed to a group of politicians and industry leaders in Sweden after someone actually said no.. 

  • On November 20, the European Parliament voted in favor of gender quotas for corporate boards, which means that women ought to sit on at least 40 percent of the posts until 2020. Sweden, in comparison, still has some way to go. Of the 245 CEOs, only 12 are women. Are you a feminist? ”Without a doubt, yes,” says Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, president of the Swedish Trade Union Federation. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin
  • Are you a feminist?
    That question was posed to Swedish politicians. But first, let’s sort out what feminism, in general terms, is. It is, simply put, a collection of movements that works for women’s political, financial, and social rights and equality (with men) in society.
    It also means that most Swedes—men and women—tend to view themselves as feminists. However, recently Jens Spendrup, chairman of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) stated he is not a feminist, and that led to a big debate. Daily Metro decided to ask 31 people in power whether they considered themselves feminists, and only four of them said they did not.

  • CEO of Axfood, Anders Strålman is also a feminist: "For us it means to in practicality increase the number of women in top positions.” Photo: Bengt Alm
  • ”Some of them probably say it because they believe it’s correct to say they’re feminists. But Sweden is not an equal country, and being a feminist is not about saying, it’s about doing,” says Gudrun Schyman, founder of the Feminist Initiative. The answers look different when you compare those from union members and party leaders, but that’s natural according to Schyman. "A position has been pushed for, and there are just a few who do not want an equal society. The problem is that there’s lots of talk but not a lot of action.” Gender researcher Kerstin Alnebratt at Göteborg University, says more and more Swedes call themselves feminists.
    ”But it doesn’t help much that people in power just answer 'yes’ when asked, just because it is expected of them. It is the political subject matters that must be discussed.”
    When Metro approached the 31 persons, they asked:

  • ”Yes I am,” says Jan Johansson, president and CEO at SCA. "For me it means that all people have the same worth, the same rights and possibilities.” Photo courtesy of
  • 1) Are you a feminist (yes or no)? and
    2) How would you define feminism?
    Of the 31, 17 said yes, they are feminists, four said they are not, and 10 chose not to answer the question at all.

  • Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, however, chooses not to call himself a feminist: ”I call myself a moderate. That means I believe in men’s and women’s equal rights.” Photo: Magnus Fröderberg
  • Taking it to the extreme? Here's the Swedish preschool that omits boy - girl from speech and activities: Gender-free preschool takes on stereotypes

  • And, back to 'hen' to replace genders, a way to surf the web in a gender-neutral way: No more 'hon or han' (he or she) with the Henerator