The benefits of (Swedish) nature

A new case study is investigating the secret of Sweden’s love affair with the outdoors and how it affects people’s health – in 72 hours. 

  • En liten röd stuga vid vattnet… (A little red cabin by the water…) Owning a house in Sweden is very popular among foreigners, especially Danes and Germans. It is the closeness to the Swedish nature and the peace and quiet that entice them.
  • Sweden’s quality of life has consistently ranked high on lists of all kinds, and those lists have always reflected Swedes' belief that spending time outdoors makes life more meaningful.

  • Who doesn’t want a little red summerhouse to retreat to? According to a fresh study, more Swedish men than women are interested, and many fear the work that goes into owning a house.
  • Visit Sweden (the same company that listed the whole country of Sweden on Airbnb) found five people with highly stressful jobs who for three days are immersing themselves in the “The 72 Hour Cabin” study; they are staying in custom-built glass cabins to be as close to nature as possible and participating in outdoor activities, all while having their well-being measured by leading researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

  • "The 72 Hour Cabin” study aims to discover the effects that this immersive therapy can have. Participants include a British broadcaster, a German police officer, a Parisian taxi driver, a British journalist and an American event coordinator from New York.

  • The cabins are on Henriksholm Island, two hours north of Gothenburg, and will eventually be made available for the public to rent, perhaps to try the experiment for themselves. After the September study, results are expected in October.

  • Exercise and experiencing nature runs deep in the Swedish psyche ... The allure of the mountains